Building Motivation as a Millennial

Being a full-time college student at a new university has left me feeling so caught up in all of my school work and while adjusting to many new aspects of my life, it's been quite some time since I have written a post. Surely enough, during my hiatus, I found a new obsession that has been building my motivation and pushing me even more in the direction that I want for my future.This new obsession of mine came after realizing that I want to be more productive with my time while doing minuscule activities; such as cleaning my apartment, driving to school/work, eating breakfast, working out, you get the idea. I realized that I often simply listen to music or do something less productive on my phone while doing these tasks. We constantly utilize our cellphones by scrolling through our social media feeds, keeping up with other people and what they are up to, rather than investing in ourselves, our mind. And as a result, I began to invest more of my time in what would contribute to my knowledge and growth, starting with a new habit of listening to podcasts on a daily basis.Now I'll be honest, the first time I heard about podcasts, I neglected the idea of them entirely. I thought that those are probably extremely boring, the kind that are just educational and for the people that are rather extremely intellectual. Well, the day has come where I will say I was completely wrong.After spending about a week just browsing through the Apple Podcast store (most are free btw), I have narrowed down a few of my favorites. The podcast shows I have listed below mainly revolve around growth, especially for millennials who are seeking to improve themselves mentally, financially, and creatively. Now of course, there are thousands of different podcast shows that may intrigue others more, but these are my personal favorites because they have slowly been giving me strong motivation and direction towards growth as a student, entrepreneur, creative, and most importantly, as a person.Reflecting on this past week, I realize that the skills and knowledge I learned listening to some of these episodes, spoken by entrepreneurs, bloggers, creatives, who have all experienced the ups and downs of their career, I have learned a lot more applicable skills than I typically would in a week of school. Now, I am not discrediting formal education, BUT, I will say, that we have a tendency to neglect other forms of education for ourselves, especially these free podcast episodes, taught and run by those who have reached various successful points in their career fields we may have strong interests in.Here are a few I am personally obsessed with:

  • The Goal Digger
  • Millennial Money
  • This American Life

If you have been listening to podcasts yourself, what are some of your favorites?xx


Building Genuine Connections


Finding My Love for California